Fellah Auto Group is Sponsoring Girls on the Run Philadelphia!
Bristol, PA, March 3, 2022: —Fellah Auto Group, the 3-location pre-owned vehicle dealer, announced their “New Year” and Second Winter Fundraising Initiative, a partnership as an official sponsor for Girls on the Run – Philadelphia – a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams.
For every vehicle sold at Fellah Auto Group in January and February of 2022, a Donation was made to Girls on the Run, Philadelphia, as part of their New Year Fresh Start Financing for All – Welcome to the Month of New Beginnings Promotion.
Colleen Howard, the Executive Director of Girls on the Run Philadelphia made a statement about the 2022 partnership: “Thank you to Fellah Auto Group so much for your interest in supporting our organization through a sponsorship. We look forward to partnering with you in support of girls in our community!”
Further Details / Contact
Dan Jones – Director of Marketing, Fellah Auto Group, dan@fellahautogroup.com
Fellah Auto Group is a family-owned used car dealership group based out of Pennsylvania. It was established in 2005, and offers quality used cars at affordable prices, and special financing. Fellah Auto Group also has a full-staffed automobile service department on site.
Media Contact
Dan Jones

About Girls on the Run

Girls on the Run Philadelphia was established as an independent council of Girls on the Run International in August 2012. The Council is a 501(c)(3) organization, responsible for its own budget, fundraising, and the delivery of the Girls on the Run curriculum. Under the direction of dedicated staff and committed board members, the Council has rapidly expanded to schools and community centers across Philadelphia in the years since. During the first season in Spring 2013, GOTR Philadelphia offered programming to 27 girls at 2 sites across the City. Over the course of the Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 seasons, our organization offered programming to 1,065 individual girls at 54 schools and 3 community centers in Philadelphia County. Our Council is committed to bringing the life-changing program to every girl in Philadelphia who wishes to participate regardless of finances and has awarded over $300,000 in scholarship support since its inception.