September 15 2021 – October 15, 2021
We celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month to recognize the achievements and contributions of Hispanic American champions who have inspired others to achieve success. Discover documents, exhibits, films, blog posts and more from the National Archives and Presidential Libraries that highlight Hispanic culture.
La familia lo es todo
Fellah Auto Group concesionario donde hablamos español (Spanish speaking car dealership). Tenemos mas de 150 autos en inventario y mas de 30 instituciones financieras y bancos para ayudarte a que salgas de aqui con aprobacion y conduciendo un maravilloso auto.
Si eres veterano, tienes Credito A-1 o comprador por primera vez ven y aprovecha nuestras grandes ofertas. No importa tu situaction de credito, malo, bueno o ningun credito te ayudamos
Comunicate o texto con nostros Benjamin Rosario al (267) 577-9687, para que hagas tu cita YA!
Bienvenida a la familia Fellah! La mejor experiencia al momento de comprar tu auto.

Spanish Speaking Car Dealership
Fellah Auto Group is a Spanish speaking car dealership near Philadelphia, PA (Se habla Espanol). We have a huge selection of inventory and we specialize in bad credit car loans.
Whether you have great credit, good credit, bad credit or no credit we have programs for all types of credit.
Contact me, Benjamin Rosario at (267) 577-9687 to set up an appointment today.
Welcome to the Fellah family! The best experience to buy a used car!