Fellah Auto Group Sponsorship at Beverly AC Club
Beverly AC Club
We are donating to a Beef and Beer to help support John and Jess Roth. On Halloween night, a fire broke out in their apartment building. John bravely stayed to help fight the fire and ensure everyone was out safely. Unfortunately, he was taken to the hospital and has spent the last week.
Because of this, John and Jess have been unable to work and will face some financial struggles heading into the holiday season. This is on top of the medical expenses and being displaced from their home.John has supported his community over the last few decades as a Fire Fighter and EMT. It is our hope to return the favor and help his family in this time of need.
Tickets are $30 if pre-purchased before the day and $35 at the door. We will be hosting a Chinese Auction and 50/50.Party starts at 6pm and will run till 10pm!!